
Our Employee Spotlight is 在这里 to help you better understand our people, 文化, 以及在Bridgepoint咨询公司工作的感受. We believe we have a great balance of challenging work and collaborative people that enables each of us to enjoy being part of #TeamBridgepoint thoroughly. 今天的员工重点报道节目开始了 Jana贝茨他是Bridgepoint咨询公司奥斯汀办事处的高级经理.


Jana is a third-generation graduate of Baylor University (Sic ‘em) w在这里 she received a BBA in Accounting. She started her career in the Healthcare industry in the DFW area steadily moving up from Staff Accountant to Accounting Manager before deciding to relocate to the Austin area in 2000. 在科技泡沫的高峰期, she decided to move out of healthcare and into the 技术 world going to a software company as their Accounting Manager. 此后不久,科技泡沫破裂, so she took a position as a 金融 Manager at Ascension Seton for a couple of years before venturing into consulting for the first time working primarily with startups in fractional controller roles. 几年后, she was offered an exciting opportunity to be the Controller at a high-frequency training firm. 4年后, she was ready for a change and realized that consulting was a better option for her and ended up at Bridgepoint almost 9 years ago. 自从来到Bridgepoint, Jana有机会与多个客户合作, across many different industries on complex projects lasting anyw在这里 from a few weeks to over a year.

Jana is a native Texan and grew up in Longview, a town in the Northeast corner of the state. She was in the same graduating class as Matthew McConaughey (Go Lobos Class of 88!!). She had horses growing up and loved riding with her family on the weekends. Thanks to her grandmothers she enjoys cooking and entertaining and looks forward to being able to throw parties again soon! 她在距离达拉斯2小时车程的地方长大,也是达拉斯牛仔队的超级粉丝.


简短的回答是,我很容易感到无聊! I found in traditional roles that after you’ve cleaned everything up and automated processes t在这里 is nothing left to do but ongoing maintenance. I’m always looking for a challenge and t在这里 is never a shortage of that in the consulting world. I also feel like in consulting you can make more of an impact in a shorter amount of time. The variety and flexibility as well as the opportunity to meet so many new and interesting people were also driving factors.


支持! We have gone through many changes as a company over my 9 years at Bridgepoint, but one thing that has remained consistent is how much Bridgepoint values their employees. 随着时间的推移, as I’ve expressed an interest in learning new skills and working on different types of projects, Bridgepoint的领导一直都很鼓舞人心. 他们的伙伴关系, I’ve been able to focus more on project management than traditional accounting and have been a part of multiple M&A integration projects as well as leading a cross-functional team on a transformational NetSuite implementation project. They’ve also instituted Leadership Academy which has demonstrated their dedication to developing the team into the future leaders of Bridgepoint.

What attracted you to Bridgepoint and when did you know # team桥point was for you?

的人! Having worked at another consulting firm previously the one major differentiator was that Bridgepoint truly only hires the best. 卑微的, 饿了, and Smart premise is evident in every person you meet from the principals down to our recent college grads. 我从来没有和这么多真正杰出的人共事过! It’s comforting to know that if I ever encounter a problem that I can’t solve or something new to me, t在这里 is a large pool of talented professionals I can go to that are ready and willing to help in any way that they can. I never have any qualms bringing other team members onto a project from any of our practice areas because I’m confident that they will do a great job serving our clients.


我喜欢旅行,尤其是去有海滩的地方! I am a big foodie and wine lover and have been lucky enough to participate in some cool culinary experiences over the years, including a trip to The French Laundry in Napa and a private chef pairing dinner in Seattle displaying all of the best of the Pacific Northwest. The next adventure on my list is to combine those two interests and eat and drink my way through Italy! 我也喜欢烹饪,上过很多烹饪课, 包括大流行期间的虚拟课程. My other passion is sports (watching, not playing), especially college football!

What advice would you give someone who is considering a career in consulting?

I was once told by a client that being a consultant seemed much like being a detective, 这是我听过的最准确的描述之一. 不要害怕问问题. One of the keys to being a successful consultant is listening and understanding your client’s needs. If you are comfortable walking into new situations and are looking for a challenging career w在这里 you can make a big impact quickly, 咨询可能非常适合你.


如果你花了很多时间 内部 在你的职业生涯中 推动更多改变寻找新的挑战,或者正在寻找新的挑战 渴望更多的变化比如,考虑在Bridgepoint做咨询! 我们一直在寻找顶尖人才. 我们鼓励你 浏览我们目前的职位空缺 并成为 # team桥point!

查看其他员工的故事 在这里 或者找出答案 是什么让Bridgepoint成为一个很棒的工作场所!